Tuesday 17 October 2028

five ways to prevent hair loss

How to prevent hair loss and stop your hair falling out.

1. you might think this amazing but probably one of the largest causes of hair loss is the food you consume. High fat foods cause not only heart attacks but hair loss too.

2/ Quit smoking! cigarettes block arteries causing the same problem as bad food does. Smoking can also affect blood flow to your scalp, which is one of the causes of hair loss,smoking also damages hair follicles.

plenty of people find it hard to give up smoking, but there are easy ways to quit and prevent hair loss

3/ cut out stress. if your stressed your quite likely to lose hair. Stress increases androgen which causes hair loss.You only need to manage or reduce your stress levels.

4/ Do not use soap based shampoo.Start using a shampoo that promotes hair growth and not balding. Supermarket shampoo's are generally the worst thing for your hair. Imagine this. you are putting something on your head that is killing your hair. use shampoo that that does not use soap and helps hair growth.

5/ Avoid damaging the scalp,from the hot sun a hairdryer too close to the scalp. Anything that can burn your scalp.There are easy steps you can do to avoid this.

Do not put up with hair loss any longer. Stop it dead and Prevent hair Loss to stop your hair falling out.

Sunday 19 September 2010

Hair Loss – the 5 Main Causes Other Than Genetic Reason

Most people think that hair loss is a genetic condition. This is, perhaps, the most widely-accepted reason for losing hair. But the truth is, a parent’s genes are just one of the many factors that could cause the loss of hair. There are many other factors that could attribute to hair loss:

1. Hormonal Imbalance

The level of hormones (especially in a woman’s body) could play a great role on whether or not an individual would experience hair loss. Many women have noticed that hair loss ensues at about three months after giving birth. The level of hormones for pregnant women could be so high that the hairs that would normally fall out are retained. This, however, would result into a massive hair loss when the hormone levels decrease after giving birth.

2. Chemotherapy

Cancer patients who undergo chemotherapy have to use drugs that are specifically designed to attack both the good and bad cells. When this happens, all types of cells (including cells on hair follicles and roots) are subjected to the same level of attack as the deadly cancer cells. This results in hair loss on the patient’s scalp and even on the underarm, leg, and pubic areas. Chemotherapy is so strong that even eyebrows and eyelashes would fall out.

Currently, there is no treatment for hair loss caused by chemotherapy. Most people believe that they could slow down the process of hair loss if they place an ice pack on the affected scalp. This might be able to help but most people also feel much discomfort while placing an ice pack on their scalp. Besides, too much cold applied to the scalp could result into cancer on that region.

It could take a month or more after the last chemotherapy session before the hair fall stops. This condition could range from rapid hair loss to gradual hair fall, and this is depending on the present condition of the patient.

3. Lack of Biotin

Biotin is an essential element for hair growth and strength. On the absence of this element, the body hairs weaken and gradually would fall off. The only way to cure hair loss on this condition would be to take biotin once more. Biotin could be taken as a food or dietary supplement. If you would want to stock up on biotin, better start eating liver and egg yolks (two types of food that have high biotin content).

4. Infection

Having dandruff can be a cause of hair loss. When this condition is prolonged, the hair follicles and the scalp are weakened by the fungi that cause this condition. Also, there are certain fungal and bacterial infections that can cause hair loss. Infections such as these are common among children. The treatments include antifungal and anti-bacterial medicines.

5. Exposure to Heat & Excessive Hair Pulling

Styling can be fun but when the hair becomes stressed by such an activity, it’s time to give it a rest. Hair blowers should not be constantly used as exposure to heat would cause the hair in the scalp to become brittle and eventually fall out. Conditioners and other moisturizers could be used to treat severely damaged hair and, to some degree, falling hair.

Friday 17 September 2010

How To Cure Hair Loss Quickly And Easily

How our hair looks can make a big difference in how we feel about ourselves. Hair loss can be a huge blow, and causes many people to turn to hair loss products in a desperate attempt to grow their hair back. However, it can be hard to tell which products are the real deal, and which are just a waste of time and money.

Most people lose fifty to a hundred hairs per day, which are replaced. However, some people lose more than this, or their hair doesn’t come back as readily after it is lost. This is called alopecia, and can be caused by many different things.

Some hair loss is caused by an illness, or medical condition, like hormonal problems, liver disease, or lupus. Medications like lithium and some acne pills can make you lose your hair, as can diet pills, and hair loss is a well known side effect of chemotherapy.

Alopecia areata is a disease that causes hair loss on the scalp, and affects 1.7% of all people. It’s probably a disorder of the immune system, where the person’s own body attacks hair follicles.

Male-pattern baldness is the classic source of hair loss in men. It’s mostly caused by hormonal effects, and the severity of this kind of hair loss will be determined by genes. Other causes can include severe hair styling, poor nutrition, and major life events that disrupt the cycle of hair growth.

A plethora of hair loss products are available to sufferers of this problem. Picking the right one and avoiding scams can be pretty difficult, though. Here are some tips to help you identify which products can help, and which ones are just wastes of time.

Look at the ingredients. Most products that are sold as medications list the active ingredient. This allows you to look it up and see if it really does what it claims.
Read the label carefully. Some products claim to make hair fuller or thicker. This is just a cosmetic effect, and doesn’t actually help hair grow back.

Look for an address. If the product is only available online, and no manufacturer’s address is provided, be suspicious. Real hair loss treatments require facilities to manufacture them.

Check their claims. Hair loss is slow, although it may take some time to notice it. Therefore, growing hair back is also a slow process. If a product promises a full head of hair in no time, it’s probably a scam.

Evaluate the safety of your product. While you’re looking for effective main ingredients, also check the other ingredients to be sure that nothing in the product could aversely affect your health.

Avoid money back guarantees. No doctor can guarantee any treatment. This means that products that advertise them may not be legitimate medical treatments.

Look for studies. In cases where the main ingredient of a product is a natural substance, rather than one of the two approved hair growth medications (Rogaine and Propecia), see if a study backs up the claims of the manufacturer. Pay attention to dosages and the way the ingredient is administered. An ingredient that’s effective when taken orally will do nothing if you put it in shampoo.

There are some products available that will help reduce or reverse hair loss. However, the majority offer only cosmetic improvements, or are merely placebos. Shop carefully, to make sure that you get a product that’s safe and effective.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

The Stop Hair Loss Solution

Both men and women tend to be affected by hair loss as they age. However, hair loss affects many more men than women. Roughly 25% of men start to have hair loss by the time they are 30 years old. About two-thirds of men are either bald or have a bald spots by the age of 60.

Hair loss is actually caused by the inability of your hair to re-grow itself, rather than your hair falling out. Male baldness usually starts as a receding hairline and thinning of the hair with eventual bald spots.

What Can I Do To Stop Hair Loss?

Well, there are several treatment options for men wanting to stop hair loss. You can go the medical route and take prescription drugs or opt for surgery, but keep in mind that those are expensive options that come with risks and side effects. Or you can stop hair loss naturally.

If you would like more information about the medical options to stop hair loss; the risks, the costs, and the side effects simply consult with your doctor. If you would like to stop hair loss naturally there are a few things listed below that you can do to help. You can also use the natural methods to stop hair loss in conjunction with medical treatments if you choose.

Did You Know There Are Foods That Help Stop Hair Loss?

Remember that your hair is made of protein; therefore protein-rich foods and organic fruits and vegetables should make up most of your diet if you want to stop hair loss and promote hair growth. You can take a protein supplement if you don’t like to eat a lot of meat.

Sunday 12 September 2010

Ways To Treat Hair Loss

Hair loss and Baldness are two co- related problematical conditions facing largely by the male population. Results emphasized the magnitude of loss of hair by indicating that men who undergo from hair loss feels of no support or without adequate protection. Generally men are having healthy hair but still they are not the just ones who face with loss of hair, as there are large numbers of women who too suffer from this situation.

The prime reason reflecting male hair loss may be originated with genetics, as there may be only one leading gene which is accountable for male hair loss. This gene habitually transmitted to son from father, but there is more cause for loss of hair, such as illness or medication. In those cases, however, loss of hair is only short time and hair will ultimately develop again once the person get well from his sickness or stop consuming the medicine. The man who has a genetic tendency of becoming hairless, the hair loss process begins at a very youthful period and becomes more noteworthy with the years.

In case you happen to be amongst those men who are losing hair excessively prior to natural hair loss period then you would prefer to explore the options available to you in such a situation. You have many products for hair loss in the market places both nonprescription & prescription based. Although thrilling pills do not exist to bring excitement to hair loss sufferers some hair loss treatments obtainable offer slight benefits as hair loss cures.

Amongst the better known nonprescription & prescription baldness products available are Propecia, Rogaine (Monoxadil), Avacor and Proxiphen. Each one claiming to be able to cure baldness and provide imputes to hair re-growth. Understandably the requirement for hair loss related products is humongous. Seeing such demand hair loss product making companies launched a slue of products to provide women and men a suitable and cost effective product.

Vitamins laded with extraordinary formulations are another option for hair re-growth; they help do away with hair thinning and aid in recovery of healthy hair. The said vitamins are usually a blend of vitamins B6 & E, amino acids, biotin and zinc. There are many people who claim that such products have resulted in more thickly & lustrous hair for them. But such treatments may not necessarily benefit you. In case you are serious regarding hair re-growth then genuine supplement or treatment for hair loss should only be considered.

There are numerous hair loss supplements & products but some are tested others untested, some exorbitantly prices while others are less expensive. But what everyone looks for is clinically proven efficiency. You will have to research a little by yourself and maybe even ask any of your friends if they have used such products and if so with what degree of success. Also find if any of these products offer money back assurances.

Irrespective of your choice, you will need to be patience with the results. Undoubtedly there isn’t a hair loss product that gives results overnight; some products could take nearly 6 months before the 1st signs of hair re-growth appear. The bottom line is that if you have faith in the chosen hair loss treatment and you have already planned a maintenance and prevention procedure you will eventually get there.

Thursday 9 September 2010

Propecia Or Natural Hair Loss Solutions?

If you are new to finding solutions for your hair loss, all the information available may seem a little confusing with so many companies claiming they have the best product to treat hair loss. Perhaps I can put this in a perspective that’s a little easier to understand.

Hair loss solutions fall into two camps, prescription (propecia) or natural hair loss products. I’m sure you are aware that there is currently no cure for baldness, but are you aware that you can effectively treat hair loss. If caught soon enough, prescription or natural hair loss solutions are available that can help you keep a full head of hair most of your life.

The prescription drug Propecia has the approval of the FDA and the medical establishment behind it. Propecia does work. Like any hair loss solution, it doesn’t work for everybody. Age certainly plays a part in just how effective propecia will be. How soon you start your treatments after noticing that you are losing hair is also a big factor. Propecia is certainly a good choice for some people, but not necessarily the best choice for others. The possible side effects may make this a bad choice for some people.

You may not be aware that the FDA doesn’t test the effectiveness of natural remedies so even though there is a lot of testing by scientist in the private sector, the results are rarely recognized by the FDA or Doctors that are in that camp as being viable or trust worthy results. The FDA exist for a good reason and that is to protect you and I from products that could be harmful or that don’t work.

Natural hair loss solutions do not come under the category of drugs. However, because of the umbrella effect of that establishment, they often turn their noises up at the mounting scientific evidence that natural remedies do in fact work. Some of the most powerful DHT inhibitors are found in your natural hair loss remedies.

Research for natural hair loss solutions has accelerated dramatically in recent years. Scientist are discovering more and more effective natural compounds that inhibit 5-alpha-reductase (the enzyme that produces DHT), that block the androgen receptors and stimulate hair growth. Some of these active ingredients may include Gamma Linolenic acid (GLA), Alpha Linolenic acid (ALA), Linoleic acid, Oleic acid, Azaleic acid, Vitamin B6, Zinc, Saw Palmetto Extract, Beta-Sitosterol and Procyanidin Oligomers. All of these ingredients are clinically proven to be effective in the fight against DHT production. In fact, these are the most powerful inhibitors of 5-alpha reductase known today, and not only that, they inhibit the Type II form of the 5-alpha reductase.

The good news is the ingredients that are now being included in natural hair loss solutions will not cause side effects. However, some people are allergic to certain herbs so it is possible from an allergy stand point to have some reaction to natural hair loss products. No side effects are a key advantage of the best natural hair loss products.

Another advantage of some natural hair loss solutions is they also have hair growth stimulants in them. It is very important to inhibit DHT production and at the same time stimulate hair growth. The really effective natural baldness cures will include this balanced approach to their product.

Yes, natural hair loss solutions are effective. It’s important for you to realize that not every product works the same way for everybody. You may have success with one product and not have success with another. It’s also important to remember that there is no cure for baldness. You can only treat the condition and you need to start early to have maximum impact on reducing any future hair loss. Another thing to keep in mind; the longer you allow male or female pattern baldness to progress, the more expensive it is to get it under control and see results.

Tuesday 7 September 2010

The Main Types Of Hair Loss Treatments

Millions of men all over the world have to deal with hair loss. The main effect of hair loss is not only that the person looks older but it also hurts one’s self-esteem and social confidence.

That’s why hair loss treatments are getting more and more important. We can call hair loss also balding, the reasons for hair loss are numerous. one of them is heredity. Though hair loss runs in the family, the scientists claim now it can be cured by gene manipulation.

Men with genetic predisposition for hair loss may have sensitive areas in the scalp for male sex hormones. As age advances, these sensitive areas suffer from severe biological imbalance. The male hormone DHT is the culprit who ruins the hair. Slowly, over a prolonged period, the follicles wilt and finally the hair become thinner and shorter.

Hair loss can be treated with natural remedies and also chemo-therapically. There are three types of hair loss treatment available for the persons suffering from this condition.

The first and most accepted hair loss treatment is the natural based therapy. The main advantage of having this type of hair loss treatment is that there is no side effect. Other treatments may help to damage the existing hair, to make a half-bald person into a full bald person.

The cosmetically based lotions, shampoos and herbal supplements help a lot of people suffering from hair loss. Many patients who used these treatments feel that by using these products, the regrowing of hair is positively influenced. Moreover, these products help to clean the scalp thereby the hair follicles are able to breathe and deliver important nutrients to the follicle and hair.

The second type of products widely used is the topical solution. Rogaine is one of the commonly used topical solutions for hair loss treatment. The main ingredient in this product is Minoxodil. This element is having the skill of growing hair, which is medically proven. Sometimes the Minoxodil is available in combination with Retin A.

The purpose of adding Retin A to Minoxodil is to help the hair follicle in the scalp to absorb Minoxodil. But this combination cannot be purchased in drugstires. It requires a prescription from a physician.

The third type of hair loss treatment broadly used among the hair losing individuals is the oral treatment. Propecia is being taken orally by people suffering from hair loss. The main action of Propecia is lowering the chemical levels in the body, which hinders the growth of hair. In many studies it was found that Propecia is having a hair-regrowing effect.