Sunday, 19 September 2010

Hair Loss – the 5 Main Causes Other Than Genetic Reason

Most people think that hair loss is a genetic condition. This is, perhaps, the most widely-accepted reason for losing hair. But the truth is, a parent’s genes are just one of the many factors that could cause the loss of hair. There are many other factors that could attribute to hair loss:

1. Hormonal Imbalance

The level of hormones (especially in a woman’s body) could play a great role on whether or not an individual would experience hair loss. Many women have noticed that hair loss ensues at about three months after giving birth. The level of hormones for pregnant women could be so high that the hairs that would normally fall out are retained. This, however, would result into a massive hair loss when the hormone levels decrease after giving birth.

2. Chemotherapy

Cancer patients who undergo chemotherapy have to use drugs that are specifically designed to attack both the good and bad cells. When this happens, all types of cells (including cells on hair follicles and roots) are subjected to the same level of attack as the deadly cancer cells. This results in hair loss on the patient’s scalp and even on the underarm, leg, and pubic areas. Chemotherapy is so strong that even eyebrows and eyelashes would fall out.

Currently, there is no treatment for hair loss caused by chemotherapy. Most people believe that they could slow down the process of hair loss if they place an ice pack on the affected scalp. This might be able to help but most people also feel much discomfort while placing an ice pack on their scalp. Besides, too much cold applied to the scalp could result into cancer on that region.

It could take a month or more after the last chemotherapy session before the hair fall stops. This condition could range from rapid hair loss to gradual hair fall, and this is depending on the present condition of the patient.

3. Lack of Biotin

Biotin is an essential element for hair growth and strength. On the absence of this element, the body hairs weaken and gradually would fall off. The only way to cure hair loss on this condition would be to take biotin once more. Biotin could be taken as a food or dietary supplement. If you would want to stock up on biotin, better start eating liver and egg yolks (two types of food that have high biotin content).

4. Infection

Having dandruff can be a cause of hair loss. When this condition is prolonged, the hair follicles and the scalp are weakened by the fungi that cause this condition. Also, there are certain fungal and bacterial infections that can cause hair loss. Infections such as these are common among children. The treatments include antifungal and anti-bacterial medicines.

5. Exposure to Heat & Excessive Hair Pulling

Styling can be fun but when the hair becomes stressed by such an activity, it’s time to give it a rest. Hair blowers should not be constantly used as exposure to heat would cause the hair in the scalp to become brittle and eventually fall out. Conditioners and other moisturizers could be used to treat severely damaged hair and, to some degree, falling hair.

Friday, 17 September 2010

How To Cure Hair Loss Quickly And Easily

How our hair looks can make a big difference in how we feel about ourselves. Hair loss can be a huge blow, and causes many people to turn to hair loss products in a desperate attempt to grow their hair back. However, it can be hard to tell which products are the real deal, and which are just a waste of time and money.

Most people lose fifty to a hundred hairs per day, which are replaced. However, some people lose more than this, or their hair doesn’t come back as readily after it is lost. This is called alopecia, and can be caused by many different things.

Some hair loss is caused by an illness, or medical condition, like hormonal problems, liver disease, or lupus. Medications like lithium and some acne pills can make you lose your hair, as can diet pills, and hair loss is a well known side effect of chemotherapy.

Alopecia areata is a disease that causes hair loss on the scalp, and affects 1.7% of all people. It’s probably a disorder of the immune system, where the person’s own body attacks hair follicles.

Male-pattern baldness is the classic source of hair loss in men. It’s mostly caused by hormonal effects, and the severity of this kind of hair loss will be determined by genes. Other causes can include severe hair styling, poor nutrition, and major life events that disrupt the cycle of hair growth.

A plethora of hair loss products are available to sufferers of this problem. Picking the right one and avoiding scams can be pretty difficult, though. Here are some tips to help you identify which products can help, and which ones are just wastes of time.

Look at the ingredients. Most products that are sold as medications list the active ingredient. This allows you to look it up and see if it really does what it claims.
Read the label carefully. Some products claim to make hair fuller or thicker. This is just a cosmetic effect, and doesn’t actually help hair grow back.

Look for an address. If the product is only available online, and no manufacturer’s address is provided, be suspicious. Real hair loss treatments require facilities to manufacture them.

Check their claims. Hair loss is slow, although it may take some time to notice it. Therefore, growing hair back is also a slow process. If a product promises a full head of hair in no time, it’s probably a scam.

Evaluate the safety of your product. While you’re looking for effective main ingredients, also check the other ingredients to be sure that nothing in the product could aversely affect your health.

Avoid money back guarantees. No doctor can guarantee any treatment. This means that products that advertise them may not be legitimate medical treatments.

Look for studies. In cases where the main ingredient of a product is a natural substance, rather than one of the two approved hair growth medications (Rogaine and Propecia), see if a study backs up the claims of the manufacturer. Pay attention to dosages and the way the ingredient is administered. An ingredient that’s effective when taken orally will do nothing if you put it in shampoo.

There are some products available that will help reduce or reverse hair loss. However, the majority offer only cosmetic improvements, or are merely placebos. Shop carefully, to make sure that you get a product that’s safe and effective.

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

The Stop Hair Loss Solution

Both men and women tend to be affected by hair loss as they age. However, hair loss affects many more men than women. Roughly 25% of men start to have hair loss by the time they are 30 years old. About two-thirds of men are either bald or have a bald spots by the age of 60.

Hair loss is actually caused by the inability of your hair to re-grow itself, rather than your hair falling out. Male baldness usually starts as a receding hairline and thinning of the hair with eventual bald spots.

What Can I Do To Stop Hair Loss?

Well, there are several treatment options for men wanting to stop hair loss. You can go the medical route and take prescription drugs or opt for surgery, but keep in mind that those are expensive options that come with risks and side effects. Or you can stop hair loss naturally.

If you would like more information about the medical options to stop hair loss; the risks, the costs, and the side effects simply consult with your doctor. If you would like to stop hair loss naturally there are a few things listed below that you can do to help. You can also use the natural methods to stop hair loss in conjunction with medical treatments if you choose.

Did You Know There Are Foods That Help Stop Hair Loss?

Remember that your hair is made of protein; therefore protein-rich foods and organic fruits and vegetables should make up most of your diet if you want to stop hair loss and promote hair growth. You can take a protein supplement if you don’t like to eat a lot of meat.

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Ways To Treat Hair Loss

Hair loss and Baldness are two co- related problematical conditions facing largely by the male population. Results emphasized the magnitude of loss of hair by indicating that men who undergo from hair loss feels of no support or without adequate protection. Generally men are having healthy hair but still they are not the just ones who face with loss of hair, as there are large numbers of women who too suffer from this situation.

The prime reason reflecting male hair loss may be originated with genetics, as there may be only one leading gene which is accountable for male hair loss. This gene habitually transmitted to son from father, but there is more cause for loss of hair, such as illness or medication. In those cases, however, loss of hair is only short time and hair will ultimately develop again once the person get well from his sickness or stop consuming the medicine. The man who has a genetic tendency of becoming hairless, the hair loss process begins at a very youthful period and becomes more noteworthy with the years.

In case you happen to be amongst those men who are losing hair excessively prior to natural hair loss period then you would prefer to explore the options available to you in such a situation. You have many products for hair loss in the market places both nonprescription & prescription based. Although thrilling pills do not exist to bring excitement to hair loss sufferers some hair loss treatments obtainable offer slight benefits as hair loss cures.

Amongst the better known nonprescription & prescription baldness products available are Propecia, Rogaine (Monoxadil), Avacor and Proxiphen. Each one claiming to be able to cure baldness and provide imputes to hair re-growth. Understandably the requirement for hair loss related products is humongous. Seeing such demand hair loss product making companies launched a slue of products to provide women and men a suitable and cost effective product.

Vitamins laded with extraordinary formulations are another option for hair re-growth; they help do away with hair thinning and aid in recovery of healthy hair. The said vitamins are usually a blend of vitamins B6 & E, amino acids, biotin and zinc. There are many people who claim that such products have resulted in more thickly & lustrous hair for them. But such treatments may not necessarily benefit you. In case you are serious regarding hair re-growth then genuine supplement or treatment for hair loss should only be considered.

There are numerous hair loss supplements & products but some are tested others untested, some exorbitantly prices while others are less expensive. But what everyone looks for is clinically proven efficiency. You will have to research a little by yourself and maybe even ask any of your friends if they have used such products and if so with what degree of success. Also find if any of these products offer money back assurances.

Irrespective of your choice, you will need to be patience with the results. Undoubtedly there isn’t a hair loss product that gives results overnight; some products could take nearly 6 months before the 1st signs of hair re-growth appear. The bottom line is that if you have faith in the chosen hair loss treatment and you have already planned a maintenance and prevention procedure you will eventually get there.

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Propecia Or Natural Hair Loss Solutions?

If you are new to finding solutions for your hair loss, all the information available may seem a little confusing with so many companies claiming they have the best product to treat hair loss. Perhaps I can put this in a perspective that’s a little easier to understand.

Hair loss solutions fall into two camps, prescription (propecia) or natural hair loss products. I’m sure you are aware that there is currently no cure for baldness, but are you aware that you can effectively treat hair loss. If caught soon enough, prescription or natural hair loss solutions are available that can help you keep a full head of hair most of your life.

The prescription drug Propecia has the approval of the FDA and the medical establishment behind it. Propecia does work. Like any hair loss solution, it doesn’t work for everybody. Age certainly plays a part in just how effective propecia will be. How soon you start your treatments after noticing that you are losing hair is also a big factor. Propecia is certainly a good choice for some people, but not necessarily the best choice for others. The possible side effects may make this a bad choice for some people.

You may not be aware that the FDA doesn’t test the effectiveness of natural remedies so even though there is a lot of testing by scientist in the private sector, the results are rarely recognized by the FDA or Doctors that are in that camp as being viable or trust worthy results. The FDA exist for a good reason and that is to protect you and I from products that could be harmful or that don’t work.

Natural hair loss solutions do not come under the category of drugs. However, because of the umbrella effect of that establishment, they often turn their noises up at the mounting scientific evidence that natural remedies do in fact work. Some of the most powerful DHT inhibitors are found in your natural hair loss remedies.

Research for natural hair loss solutions has accelerated dramatically in recent years. Scientist are discovering more and more effective natural compounds that inhibit 5-alpha-reductase (the enzyme that produces DHT), that block the androgen receptors and stimulate hair growth. Some of these active ingredients may include Gamma Linolenic acid (GLA), Alpha Linolenic acid (ALA), Linoleic acid, Oleic acid, Azaleic acid, Vitamin B6, Zinc, Saw Palmetto Extract, Beta-Sitosterol and Procyanidin Oligomers. All of these ingredients are clinically proven to be effective in the fight against DHT production. In fact, these are the most powerful inhibitors of 5-alpha reductase known today, and not only that, they inhibit the Type II form of the 5-alpha reductase.

The good news is the ingredients that are now being included in natural hair loss solutions will not cause side effects. However, some people are allergic to certain herbs so it is possible from an allergy stand point to have some reaction to natural hair loss products. No side effects are a key advantage of the best natural hair loss products.

Another advantage of some natural hair loss solutions is they also have hair growth stimulants in them. It is very important to inhibit DHT production and at the same time stimulate hair growth. The really effective natural baldness cures will include this balanced approach to their product.

Yes, natural hair loss solutions are effective. It’s important for you to realize that not every product works the same way for everybody. You may have success with one product and not have success with another. It’s also important to remember that there is no cure for baldness. You can only treat the condition and you need to start early to have maximum impact on reducing any future hair loss. Another thing to keep in mind; the longer you allow male or female pattern baldness to progress, the more expensive it is to get it under control and see results.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

The Main Types Of Hair Loss Treatments

Millions of men all over the world have to deal with hair loss. The main effect of hair loss is not only that the person looks older but it also hurts one’s self-esteem and social confidence.

That’s why hair loss treatments are getting more and more important. We can call hair loss also balding, the reasons for hair loss are numerous. one of them is heredity. Though hair loss runs in the family, the scientists claim now it can be cured by gene manipulation.

Men with genetic predisposition for hair loss may have sensitive areas in the scalp for male sex hormones. As age advances, these sensitive areas suffer from severe biological imbalance. The male hormone DHT is the culprit who ruins the hair. Slowly, over a prolonged period, the follicles wilt and finally the hair become thinner and shorter.

Hair loss can be treated with natural remedies and also chemo-therapically. There are three types of hair loss treatment available for the persons suffering from this condition.

The first and most accepted hair loss treatment is the natural based therapy. The main advantage of having this type of hair loss treatment is that there is no side effect. Other treatments may help to damage the existing hair, to make a half-bald person into a full bald person.

The cosmetically based lotions, shampoos and herbal supplements help a lot of people suffering from hair loss. Many patients who used these treatments feel that by using these products, the regrowing of hair is positively influenced. Moreover, these products help to clean the scalp thereby the hair follicles are able to breathe and deliver important nutrients to the follicle and hair.

The second type of products widely used is the topical solution. Rogaine is one of the commonly used topical solutions for hair loss treatment. The main ingredient in this product is Minoxodil. This element is having the skill of growing hair, which is medically proven. Sometimes the Minoxodil is available in combination with Retin A.

The purpose of adding Retin A to Minoxodil is to help the hair follicle in the scalp to absorb Minoxodil. But this combination cannot be purchased in drugstires. It requires a prescription from a physician.

The third type of hair loss treatment broadly used among the hair losing individuals is the oral treatment. Propecia is being taken orally by people suffering from hair loss. The main action of Propecia is lowering the chemical levels in the body, which hinders the growth of hair. In many studies it was found that Propecia is having a hair-regrowing effect.

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Top Five Herbs to Fight Hair Loss

Hair loss is devastating to all who experience it. From male to female, young and old premature balding can rob you of your self-esteem. Fortunately, there are treatments available that will help fight baldness.

Some of the best alternatives to prescription hair growth treatments are herbal supplements. Herbal supplements have very minimal side effects and improve health as well as stimulate hair growth. Whether you use herbs to improve circulation, halt the process of hair loss, or block the DHT hormone, herbs are highly effective.

Here are the top five herbs recommended in the fight against hair growth problems.

1.Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto has been used for thousands of years and has been shown to be an effective remedy in the fight against hair growth problems. Saw Palmetto helps block the hormone DHT, therefore slowing down the rate of hair loss. Saw Palmetto may be in capsule form, added to herbal hair loss formulas, or applied in oil. Whichever method you prefer, Saw Palmetto is a valuable herb in the fight against premature balding.


Horsetail helps improve circulation and blood flow. This stimulates the hair follicles and is necessary for promoting hair growth. High in Silica, Horsetail strengthens weak hair and increases its vitality. Horsetail is often added to herbal preparations that fight pattern baldness.


Rosemary will help unclog follicles and promote hair growth. Rosemary may be added to oil and massaged in the scalp. Rosemary is also a powerful antioxidant and helps fight free radicals. It is also frequently added to herbal hair remedies.

4.Siberian Ginseng

Ginseng is a wonderful herb that has many benefits. One of these is that it increases stimulation and improves circulation. This has helped those who are suffering from hair loss or weak and damaged hair. Ginseng will also remove any toxins that may be clogging your hair follicles, slowing down or stalling new hair growth. You can choose to apply Ginseng through a hair and scalp oil. You may also take Ginseng in capsule form daily. Ginseng and Saw Palmetto are the most common herbs recommended for herbal hair growth treatments.


Nettle is rich in vitamins and minerals. It is also great for promoting blood circulation and helps stimulate hair growth. Nettle has also been shown to block BPH and therefore has been highly useful in the fight against hair loss.

It is important to check with your health care worker or physician before beginning any herbal remedy course of treatment.

Are you interested in a natural treatment for hair loss? Check out our review for Provillus, a natural hair loss treatment. Find out if Provillus really does work to stop hair loss.

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Hair Loss Causes Among Women

Image by jessyparr

When it comes to women talk, hair is one big issue to discuss. Hairs and those long healthy hairs are a crown and a wish of every woman. Though in this busy life, not every woman can make it possible, but hairs needed to be cared and groomed as there are many negative effects that surround us. Along with development in city life, there are a lot of issues that are affecting human health; the major affect is seen on hair on both men and women.

Hair loss is not quickly noticed, and those who notice do not pay attention to it at right time, as a result either way, hair loss occurs. Hair loss is treatable but at a certain time period. When the disorder crosses its limit it then also becomes untreatable.

Hair loss among women is usually caused by hormonal changes, stress, long term illness, intake of strong and prolonged medicines and pregnancy. These are the major reasons for what women usually suffer from hair loss. Hair loss also can be held due to improper intake of food, lack of vitamins, improper menstruation cycle or any other side effect. Hair loss among women can have a big common factor of DHT increment. The increased level of DHT makes the hair follicle ill, this lead to hair loss. Hair loss occurs in different patterns, among women the hair from front gets thinning, at early stage this doesn’t seem to appear prominently, but later on one gets shocked to see such a big loss that itself become a stress itself.

Hair loss remedies are bulk, some home remedies work a lot and a lot of therapies are also offered in market. Medicines both allopathic and homeopathic are both suitable to women but still a lot of difference is created in fake medicines and original medicines.

Many people adopt the usage of hair loss medicines, but of course it doesn’t suit merely to all people. Anyhow before any medication it is important to know the real cause of hair loss so that the doctor proposes the accurate and according medication and medicines. In different regions, hair loss among women occurs in different reasons.

The hair loss among women is common and same occurring like that among men. It is equally a disorder, and needs the same attention as men pay to their hair loss. Hair loss among women occurs in between the age of 15 -40. Hair loss is caused in major due to stress, and itself hair loss is a stress. Women might have more fear regarding hair loss as its acceptance in society is a big matter. More over, before the treatment would start, there is a big issue of selection of products, the right medication and the right effect. It is good to follow up the steps of an experienced person, who have already attempted a medication and has improved hair health, but this doesn’t mean you carry on the same medications as the other did, you need to consult the same doctor, as its not necessary your hair loss reason is same as to the one who is experienced.

You should seek guidance of the product company, yourself and your budget before making any attempt for treating hair loss at high expense. Hair loss is natural, but if the extent is high, or you feel hair loss is at stage of maximum level then you must seek guidance of your physician.

For the best products for hair loss please visit my site and know What Causes Hair Loss in Women.

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Thursday, 2 September 2010

Discussing Prevention For Hair Loss

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Some amount of hairloss is inevitable as we age. In fact, an average healthy human being loses a certain amount of hair daily. For most, this lost hair grows back, yet for many the problem starts when the body isn’t capable of hair regrowth.

Then the problem of thinning hair or hair loss starts surfacing. Action should be taken before it’s too late. There are many types of treatments available for hair loss. The safest and cheapest treatments are the herbal and home remedies, and these methods should be tried first before opting for other costlier remedies.

There is no cure for baldness, yet understanding what causes the condition is important. Excess stress, lack of hair care, a dirty scalp, and the lack of nutritious foods can precipitate hair loss. As well, consuming excess amounts of caffeine, sugar, fats and carbonated drinks can cause hair loss.

On the contrary, various forms of exercises that require the body to be bent forwards or backwards will also result in increased blood flow to the scalp, which will promote healthy hair and a healthy scalp. Consuming foods rich with essential nutrients will also promote healthy hair growth.

Home remedies for hair loss are the best options, and they are safe and dirt cheap. They do not have any side effects and don’t cause any damage. And the good news is that there are so many remedies available to stop hair loss, that if one doesn’t work another one might.

One of the methods is to take some fenugreek seeds and soak them in water overnight in a big bowl. Next morning, apply the water to your scalp and wrap the head in a towel.

Let it remain like that for three hours and then shampoo to get rid of the fenugreek smell. Following this routine daily for a month may solve your problem; however, those who catch colds easily shouldn’t try this or stop as soon as they feel that they are about to catch cold.

Another method for hair loss prevention is to apply castor oil to hair roots and scalp before bedtime, yet try to avoid getting castor oil on the rest of your hair. In the morning, shampoo to remove the oil. Continue this process once every week for 7 to 10 weeks. This is one of the many hair loss treatments that may stop hair loss, although it may not work for some people. There is no harm in trying this treatment.

A free gift awaits you at our portal site, where you can enrich your knowledge further about prevention for hair loss. Your comment is much appreciated at our treatment for baldness blog.

Article Source: Articlespan

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Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Searching For A Hair Loss Remedy: The 40% Solution

August 23, 2010 Leave a Comment

While the forty percent of all men who are likely to experience some hair loss in their lives constitute an enormous potential market for an effective hair loss remedy, and research to supply them with one is ongoing, only minoxidil has proven somewhat effective in cases of male pattern baldness. Another drug, originally created as a treatment for prostate problems, and now marketed as the pill Propecia, also shows some promise as a hair loss remedy.

But there has yet to be discovered a substance which will function as a universal hair loss remedy. No product currently used as a hair loss remedy can be effective in all instances of hair loss, because there are many underlying causes of baldness. Those people who educate themselves both about the way in which healthy hair grows, and the reasons it stops growing, will be much less likely to be hooked by the exaggerated claims of effectiveness which often accompany the latest hair loss remedy.

Research has indicated that the hormone dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, may be one of the major factors in male pattern baldness. Enzymes which can inhibit the body’s production of DHT from testosterone are credited with preventing hair loss; minoxidil and finasteride, the active ingredients in Rogaine and Propecia, have each been given FDA approval for use as a hair loss remedy.

Even though a hair loss panacea has yet to be discovered, those suffering from hair loss will benefit from determining why they are experiencing it so they can either search for an appropriate hair loss remedy, or choose not to use one at all.

Some of the conditions leading to hair loss are curable; if its underlying cause is eliminated, the hair loss will take care of itself. Both lupus and diabetes, for instance, may contribute to hair loss in their sufferers, and only by talking with your physician will you know if either of them is a contributing factor in yours.

Stress, both physical and emotional, has been linked to hair loss, which was reversed as soon as the stress-inducing situations were eliminated. In cases of stress, time may be the only hair loss remedy necessary.

Hormone imbalances may lead to hair loss, and if the hormonal balance is restored, hair growth may be as well. If someone is not genetically pre-disposed to hair loss and begins experiencing it, however, he or she should not use any kind of hair loss remedy without first seeing a doctor to determine if there is an organic reason for the condition.

The herb Gotu Kola has been used by Chinese herbalists for centuries s one of the most effective natural hair loss treatments; it has been researched and found to restore the hair and thicken the skin of rats suffering from alopecia. Gotu Kola may have the added benefit of thickening skin in humans as well as restoring hair loss, as thinning of the skin is another common sign of aging.

Another one of the natural hair loss treatments which is claimed to thicken the skin, and relieve some of the pressure on the very tiny blood vessels which transport nutrients to the hair follicles is emu oil.

You can also find more info on male hair loss and hair loss shampoo. is a comprehensive resource to know about Hair loss Treatment.

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Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Stop Hair Loss – Laser hair Therapy

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Laser hair therapy is there for quite some time and many of us have successfully experienced this also. So we can easily get feedbacks from them on how successful this treatment is. Once you have done this your confidence level will increase.

Laser hair therapy is painless and there is no side effects for this treatment and will start growing your hair immediately. If any one is asking which is the more effective hair loss treatment you can definitely say laser hair therapy.

Hair regrowth treatments can be done for men and women also. Now days women are also experiencing loss problems and that is why hair loss treatments for women are also familiar to stop female hair loss. Now there’s hope for women who are suffering from Thinning Hair or excessive Hair Loss. Laser Hair Therapy (LHT) has been in use in Hair Loss clinics around the world for some time, but with recent organizational approval, is only now being recognized in America as a viable Hair Loss Treatment.

In the past few years clinical studies tested lasers at different wavelengths and pulsing the laser to find the most effective laser configuration for treating Hair Loss. The most common Laser Hair growth therapies now operate at a wavelength in the range 650-670nm, measuring how far the light needs to penetrate the scalp. 650nm is the accepted standard wavelengths approved by the FDA. Also, the more laser diodes or little lasers making up the laser, the better. Most state of the art hair loss lasers have 110 – 160 laser diodes.

Laser Hair Therapy has been found to be useful not only in genetic Hair Loss, but in Hair Loss due to medical conditions such as prescription drug use, or chemotherapy and can clear up scaly, itchy scalp as well.

Even though laser hair therapy is common among people, success of Laser Hair Therapy differs from person to person, as does the patterns of Hair Loss. Each person will achieve his or her own results from voluminous to minimal. Laser Hair Therapy results will depend on how far advanced the occurrence of hair loss is but most studies show well over 90% regrow their hair. One thing for sure, those with thinning hair will minimally find that it halts, or prevents further hair loss. And there will be those who will find that it not only halts, but actually grows back most of the hair that has been lost.

It may seem strange to hear about a laser being used for Hair Regrowth, but this type of Hair Loss Treatment has been around for some time and was discovered accidentally by a scientist in Hungary in 1967. Forty years later and after hundreds of clinical trials Laser Hair Therapy Treatment has now been proven as an effective hair loss treatment by many scientific studies. In 1982 a report was published called "The Growth of Hair Under Laser Influence of the HE-NE Beam". In the study, patients with Alopecia Areata responded with positive results after only 6 to 8 twice-weekly treatments.

Johns David is a content writer for and he writes articles on hair growth Laser hair loss products, hair loss solutions, hair growth Centers, laser hair therapy etc.

Article Source: Articlespan

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Monday, 30 August 2010

The Untold Secrets Of Hair Loss In Men

Image by Hairtransplant – Ilter clinic photostream

Some men never go “bald” but everyone’s hair thins out over the years. The term androgenetic refers to the fact that common balding requires both male hormones (androgens) and a genetic tendency to lose hair. Because there are many genes involved, however, you can’t look at your parents and know how much hair you will lose or how fast you will lose it. In particular, the idea that hair loss is passed down from the mother’s side of the family is folklore, not fact.

Hair loss may be hereditary or because of increasing air and water pollution. There is no single reason for this problem. Mostly hair loss or baldness is not associated with systemic or internal disease, nor is poor diet a frequent factor. Thyroid disease can cause hair loss, but thyroid tests on people who have ordinary hair loss are usually normal. Although many medications list “hair loss” among their potential side effects, drugs are also not overall common causes of thinning or lost hair. On the other hand, with cancer treatments and immune suppression medications, hair loss is not uncommon.

Many conditioners, shampoos, vitamins, and other products, as well as procedures involving lasers and heat, claim to help hair grow in unspecified ways. These are harmless but useless and not worth the investment. To slow down hair loss, there are just two medically proven options:

Baldness generally involves hair loss on head where it often grows. There are different stages in hair loss it starts from hair thinning and this condition called androgenic alopecia or “male pattern baldness” that occurs in adult male humans and other species. The amount and patterns of baldness can vary greatly; it ranges from male and female pattern alopecia (androgenic alopecia, also called androgenetic alopecia or alopecia androgenetica), alopecia areata, which involves the loss of some of the hair from the head, and alopecia totalis, which involves the loss of all head hair, to the most extreme form, alopecia universalis, which involves the loss of all hair from the head and the body.

There are various ways to camouflage hair that has already gone. These include hairpieces or hair-weaving processes. Toupees require tape or other ways to keep them from sliding off, and they also stretch and oxidize. Hair weaves loosen and need periodic restyling.Techniques for performing surgical procedures like scalp reduction and hair transplants have improved over the years, producing better, more natural results. Transplant surgeons do their best to use hair that is not genetically programmed to fall out later. Taking Propecia after a transplant also helps to retain hair. Shaving the scalp has been fashionable and is an option other than trying to grow more hair.

There is one useful way to classify hair loss is by whether the loss is localized and patchy, or whether it affects large areas or the whole scalp.

Robert Campanile, a successful entrepreneur has come up with a new source that provides natural hair loss solutions for both men and women without any side effects. To know more about the hair growth remedies and to maintain optimum hair visit

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Sunday, 29 August 2010

Biotin is an Important Vitamin for Hair Loss

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Have you ever heard of Biotin? This is a vitamin that has many benefits for the body.

In addition to being essential for cell growth, it is also necessary for the health of your hair and skin. Biotin hair loss is a major factor.

What does biotin do for your hair? If taken in the correct dosage it can stop your hair from thinning.

When your body does not get enough biotin, the result can be that enzymes stop working the way they should. This can cause all kinds of complications.

The lack of biotin in the diet can cause skin rash and heart problems in addition to thinning hair. Supplements are often a recommended way of stopping excessive hair loss.

Biotin deficiency can actually make you lose your eye brows and eye lashes. This is in cases where there is a severe deficiency.

Shampoo can be purchased that is fortified with biotin. This has shown to help in the prevention of hair loss for some people.

Biotin hair loss is often attributed to the lack of the right types of food that contain this vitamin. It is found in mushroom, carrots and bananas.

Many people do not care for the type of food that contains biotin. This can lead to a deficiency.

Different lifestyles are also a reason for not getting the right amount of biotin. The lack of foods containing biotin naturally is going to cause a deficiency.

Sometimes there are genetic conditions that does not allow the body to absorb this vitamin. Excess biotin is not kept by the body as it is water soluble.

Taking a supplement will ensure that you get the right amount to help stop hair loss. Biotin hair loss can occur with certain medications you are taking.

Antibiotics can often cause a biotin deficiency. This is especially true if the antibiotics have to be used for a long period of time.

The amount of biotin most normally received from eating healthy is anywhere from 30 micrograms to 100 micrograms. However, since the body does not retain biotin, it has to be replaced.

This is true of certain other vitamins as well. Iron is one that needs replaced on a regular basis as well.

When the body does not get the vitamins it needs replaced on a daily basis, this can begin to cause problems. Vitamins are crucial to many functions of the body, so why should hair be any different?

The loss of hair is very traumatic to women and men. However, it may be more so for women.

When they lose their hair, it is associated with their femininity. This can lead to depression.

That is why it is extremely important to find the cause of hair loss. Treating it immediately will keep a variety of problems stemming from hair loss at bay.

Today most men are not as concerned with hair loss as they were in the past. But for women it is entirely different.

If biotin hair loss is the problem, it needs to be treated so it will not cause other problems. Vitamin deficiencies are not only the cause of illness, but can lead to life threatening problems.

And, to help you solve hair loss problems, Kalpana shares with you a remedy to Thinning Hair and Hair Loss for both men and women that she found to be a safe and natural hair loss product. If you want to see results confirmed by other customers, visit her website, to find out more.

Article Source: Articlespan

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Saturday, 28 August 2010

Treatment for Hair Loss: Treatments That you Will Want to Consider in Order to Stop Hair Loss and Grow your Hair Back

August 23, 2010 Leave a Comment

From teens to adults and men and women, no one is spared from hair loss. There are certain conditions that can cause hair loss and one of them is genetic. If your grandfather and your father suffered from hair loss, there is a great chance that you too will suffer from it. However, before you start ordering a custom made wig in order to cover your receding hair line, you have to consider that modern technology and science have found new ways to deal with hair loss. Today, there are different kinds of treatment for hair loss that are available.

Hair loss treatments have been thoroughly researched and there are quite a lot of things that you can do in order to stop hair loss and even grow back your hair. With this, you will never go out in public embarrassed about your condition and you will also never have to hide your head with a cap or wig again.

One cause of hair loss is the increased amount of DHT in the body. The DHT is a hormone that is essential during the early stages of development. However, as you grow older, the number of DHT will increase and it has been found that this hormone is mainly responsible for hair loss. So, if your hair loss problem is caused by increased amount of DHT in your body, you will want to try inhibiting the DHT by taking products that inhibits the DHT. Today, there are chemicals and there are also natural supplements that have been found to effectively inhibit DHT. By taking these products, you will be able to stop hair loss or at least minimize its effects and give you a chance to grow your hair back.

The term used for hair loss is called MPB or male pattern baldness. Although this is named like so, women also suffers from this condition but not as frequent as males. For the medical term, MPB is also called androgenetic alopecia. This is not a life threatening condition but the fact that you losing hair at an early age means that it can be quite embarrassing for you. There is no known treatment for this kind of condition but there are preventive measures in order for you to avoid experiencing this kind of condition. By keeping your scalp and hair healthy, you will be able to avoid getting this kind of condition.

Today, treatments of hair loss are now widely available. From pills that claim to inhibit DHT, to hair transplant treatments, you will see that it will be able to effectively treat your hair loss problem. With these available treatments, you will see that hair loss will never be a problem for you anymore.

However, you have to remember that treatment for hair loss is not one hundred percent effective. Some people react differently on different treatments. Some may be effective for some people, but it doesn’t mean that the same treatment may also be effective for you.

So, if you are looking for a way to treat hair loss, you will want to get diagnosed on what condition is causing you to lose hair. With it, you will be able to pin point what is causing you to lose hair and know what treatment is best for you.

About the author: John Tulley manages the Provillus Alpha7: treatment for hair loss web site. Our web site has more detailed advice and information about women and mens hair loss.

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Thursday, 26 August 2010

The Main Reason For Hair Loss

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Avoiding unnecessary concern and fear about hair loss is easily obtained by simply educating oneself on the possible causes and available follicular replacement therapies (hair replacement treatments) available in this day and age.

The primary cause of up to 90% of balding can be contributed to a condition known as Androgenetic Alopecia. This type of hair loss affects both men and women. Finding extra handfuls of hair falling out can be quite unsettling. Going bald affects not only the outward appearance, as a sign of premature aging, but can also lead to depression and a lack of self-worth.

There are three basic elements that must co-exist in order for this kind of baldness to occur. One is that certain hormones need to be reacting in a particular way, the next is that this needs to be happening for an extended period of time and the third is a genetic susceptibility to baldness.

Sometimes as early as the twenties or thirties, people begin to notice more hair than usual falling out each day. It is normal for 20-100 hairs per day to fall out; when a greater amount begins coming out regularly, this may be an early warning sign of future baldness and a good time to research follicular enhancement technologies and begin treatments.

This can occur in both men and women, since they both produce the hormones that are commonly associated with men: testosterone, androsteinedione, and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). People with a predisposition for baldness produce too much of an enzyme known as 5-alpha-reductase. Then through an interesting process this enzyme changes testosterone into DHT. Sooner or later, the hormone DHT binds with the receptor sites and these vulnerable hair follicles become unstable.

There are many types of drugs that have given cause for positive expectations as follicular replacement therapies for their ability to retard the production of DHT, one such drug is Propecia. According to the studies, when used in the early stages of hair loss, Propecia can be beneficial in slowing, ending or even in some cases, reversing hair loss.
The growth cycle of hair consists of three stages, anagen-the growing phase, catagen-the transitional and resting phase and telogen which is the final phase when the hair falls out and a new hair begins to grow and the cycle starts all over again. For most people this growth cycle can range from 3 to 8 years. However, a person with balding in their genes may find each growth cycle becoming progressively shorter and any new hair that does grow may start to become more and more thin. Going bald takes time, so noticing the subtle clues is important.

A number of factors including nutritional deficiencies, poor thyroid function, aging, nervousness, hormonal imbalances, chemotherapy and the use of various prescription drugs may explain the remaining 10% of people who experience hair loss.

By becoming a knowledgeable consumer you will be able to choose the type of follicular replacement therapies from the many available options that will best suit your hair loss needs. You may choose treatments ranging from drugs to various shampoos or topical lotions, hair replacement systems, natural remedies and several different types of surgery.

Hair replacement in Clermont Florida, Hair Loss, Full Hair Care Services.

Article Source: Articlespan

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Is Provillus A Suitable Hair Loss Remedy?

August 23, 2010 Leave a Comment

Hair plays a significant role in the overall appearance of a person. It is some thing that we treasure in our life. And for this reason excessive fall of hair that lead to the condition of baldness may create a lot of stress and mental problems in the person facing the problem of hairless in an abnormal rate.

A large number of studies conducted on the psychological impact of hair loss reveals that majority of these persons are facing a sort of self consciousness while they face others. Majority of them admits that they feel jealous towards men with thick hair. It may create more serious impact on men and women who suffer hair loss problem during their early twenties when compared to men and women of older age.

Instances such as long illness, major surgery, mental stress etc may lead to sudden fall of hair in an abnormal rate. Normally the hair loss associated with these problems will stop once you treat the root cause for losing hair and cure the same.

Some times the pull on your hair as a result of wearing pig tails, cornrows or a tight hair roll can cause hair loss. This type hair loss is known as traction alopecia. This kind of loss can be easily be remedied by finding out and avoiding the cause for hair pull. Once the cause for your hair pull is identified and avoided, your hair will start to grow back normally.

Your diet, the medicines you take, the care you give to your hair etc can have a direct impact on the health of your hair. If it is not a case of hereditary baldness, your family doctor may be able to help you to prevent your hair loss by suggesting a healthy diet, proper hair loss remedying medicines and a proper routine for caring your hair. In women low blood count and irregular menstrual cycle can cause abnormal hair fall. Pregnancies and menopause can also result in excessive hair fall during those conditions. Hair loss in women as a result of the abode conditions are often temporary and can generally be remedied by taking proper medication to raise the blood count and systemised the menstrual cycle.

Hormone imbalance may sometimes result in excessive hair fall. This condition can be cured by undertaking treatment for hormone imbalance.

As on today there is no hair loss remedy to treat the problem of common baldness. However hair loss remedies are certainly available which would help a person to slow down or prevent the development of baldness to a certain extent. Minoxidil is one such hair loss remedies available in the market.

For your free course teaching you exactly how to stop hair loss using the natural remedy Provillus simply go to

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Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Hair Loss Treatment for Men: Available Treatments That Will Stop Hair Loss and Grow your Hair Back

August 23, 2010 Leave a Comment

Everyday, you shed more or less 100 strands of hair from your scalp. This is normal as there is a balance on hair growth and hair shedding. However, as time passes, you will notice that more and more of your hair will shed and few grow back. If this is the case, then you will want to start considering getting hair loss treatment for men.

First of all, it is important that you should understand why this happens. Hair loss normally happens because of a condition called male pattern baldness or MLB. This condition can be experienced by both males and females. In male pattern baldness or MLB, a particular hormone inside the body will increase, which is called DHT. The DHT is a byproduct of the testosterone which can eventually help in the development process of the human body.

However, as you grow older and as the DHT increases, you will see that it will be the cause of hair loss. Now, in order for you to treat this kind of hair loss, you might want to try and inhibit the DHT. By inhibiting the DHT, you will be able to bring back the balance between hair loss and hair growth. This means that you will be able to grow hair back.

Today, there are a number of products and supplements that can effectively treat hair loss. Normally, products like this will inhibit the DHT. In fact, there are even natural herbs that can inhibit DHT without the use of other chemicals that can be harmful to you body.

Another hair loss treatment is the hair transplant. This is a surgical procedure that will involve inserting new hair follicles in your scalp. The great thing about this treatment is that you will get fast result and with care, you will be able to get hair back in a matter of weeks.

Many men today are now considering getting a hair transplant as it can effectively grow hair back. However, if you are not comfortable with the idea of having someone poke in hair in your head, then you might want to try the natural methods by taking supplements and using hair creams and other regimens that claims to promote hair growth and reduces hair loss.

Whatever your reason for growing hair back, you will see that there are quite a lot of treatments available for men today. With these treatments, going bald is now considered to be a thing of the past. Although most methods aren’t perfected yet, many people who have tried transplants and other forms of treatments have stated that it really does work.

After a few sessions and after regularly taking medications and supplements, many have stated that they got to grow their hair back.

So, if you have that receding hairline or if you noticed that your hair is becoming a little too thin, it may be time for you to start considering hair loss treatment for men. With these treatments, you will see that it will not only stop hair loss, but it will also help in growing new hair back. Who knows? Maybe in the near future, considering the success of treatments available today, hair loss may never be a problem for most men again.

About the author: John Tulley manages the Provillus: hair loss treatment for men web site. Our site has over 30 original articles covering all aspects of hair loss and more advice and information about finding a treatment for thinning hair.

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How Iron Deficiency Can Result in Hair Loss

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Healthy hair growth depends on an adequate diet. Iron deficiency is a common cause of hair loss in women. A three-year study of hair loss in women in the late 1990’s had identified iron deficiency as the cause of hair loss in 72% of pre-menopausal women.

This loss of iron could lead to anemia. But don’t wait for your doctor to diagnose you with having anemia (defined as too little iron in the blood). Try to get your recommended daily iron intake.

Some women with iron deficiency have experienced many strands and sometimes handfuls of hair going down the drain when washing their hair and they were not pregnant (note: pregnancy is sometimes a cause of hair loss in women).

So, your best bet is to avoid these nightmarish experiences and increase your iron intake on a daily basis. Make sure your diet contains enough meat, fish, eggs, cereals, peas and beans.

Try eating more dried fruits, legumes and dark leafy greens, which are very high in iron content. You may also consider a vitamin supplement, but before you do, you should consult with your physician. If you are taking any medications you should also consult with your doctor first on the best vitamin supplement for you.

Fruits and vegetables are also needed to provide vitamin C, which enables the body to absorb iron.
However, if you have experienced hair loss and are currently taking medications you should consult with your doctor to see if the hair loss may be caused by your current medication.

It is also known that those with the most healthy hair and skin get enough omega-3 fatty acids in their diet daily. Omega-3 fatty acids include salmon, herring, sardines, or mackerel three times per week.

It’s not only what you put on your hair and scalp that is important, but it is also the products that you use on your hair that makes all the difference as well.

Did you know that most of the hair care products you currently use are made up of synthetic chemicals that do more harm than good? It’s true. There are hazardous chemicals in shampoos, conditioners and a wide spectrum of hair products. These chemicals actually cause health problems like rashes, skin irritation and respiratory illness just to name a few.

You need to be aware of the toxic ingredients in the hair care products that you are purchasing so that you can avoid them. There are hundreds of healthier hair products that are better for you. Although these products are not often advertised in the mainstream media, these products are available to you as long as you know what they are and where to buy them.

You need to care for your health and the best way to do this is by using products with less harmful ingredients. There are organic products as well as natural home recipes that you can use to grow healthier hair more naturally. As long as you are informed there is no limit to what is available to you.

Take care of your skin, hair and health from the inside out. You’ll be happy with the results.

Janice Johnson shares how to take care of your hair and scalp with healthy eating and by using less-toxic products that are healthier for your hair. Learn how to grow longer, healthier hair more naturally at

Article Source: Articlespan

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Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Which One To Choose Provillus Or Rogaine

When I compared that other alopecia products and Provillus hair, the reviews were, to say the least, terrifying. The contender, Rogaine, is widely recognized and respected for it’s capability to help re-grow your hair. But the challenger, Provillus, had one or two surprises up its sleeve that made it a winner by far more than a hair in my book.

Seriously now, if you’re like me, you have been wearing a baseball cap everywhere you go since before you graduated high school . Being the only basketball player on the team who had a bald spot got me masses of attention, that’s definite. But it came from the bullies and loud-mouths, not the cheerleaders.

After years of trying one product after another I finally discovered Provillus. Now when I’m going out I get attention, alright. And this time it’s the type of attention you need.

Provillus has literally taken the market by storm and for good reason, too. I’m sure you know about all those stings like spray-on hair, hair clip-ons and even hair hypnosis. Well, here are the reasons why Provillus for hair loss is head and shoulders above each other hair loss product on the market.

It’s been proved to work Provillus itself has been approved by the FDA and the active ingredient in Provillus, minoxidil, which has already been proved to promote hair re-growth in other products like Rogaine. So it’s true that, when used correctly, you’ll have a full crop of hair.

The price Provillus comes without any of those concealed shipping charges, and when you order it you don’t just get a little sample size and get asked to pay rather more to get the regular size. No tricks here, folks. You will get a full month’s supply for less then $50.

The guarantee Provillus is also backed by a full, 90 day money-back guarantee. Now why would any person supply a guarantee like that if their product did not work?

So far this Provillus review sounds like it’s a real close race against Rogaine. But let me tell you the one thing that Provillus does that Rogaine does not.

Provillus contains a completely natural ingredient that blocks DHT. DHT is a control chemical that causes most hair loss and, while Rogain can help you grow hair, it doesn’t do anything about stopping DHT from making it fall back out again.

Provillus, on the other hand, not only helps you re-grow a full head of healthy, gorgeous hair, it also stops hair loss from re-occurring by obstructing the DHT hormone.

Now the way i see it, you can spend your cash on Rogaine for the rest of your life just so that you can keep replacing the hair that you’re still about to lose, or you may use Provillus and get a healthy, full head of hair and keep it all on your head. It’s completely up to you, but if you make a decision to go with the Rogaine, don’t dispose of your baseball caps.

Posted in Hair Loss Information

Monday, 16 August 2010

Up To Date Hair Loss Solutions Can Be More Effective Nowadays.

Before seeking the services of a hair replacement center, it is important to appreciate some basic information about alopecia and what you are able to do about it.

Alopecia Background.

Roughly 95% of the approximate sixty million men and women in the US who experience unusual hair loss suffer from a genetic condition called androgentic alopecia. This is the gentle loss of hair that generally starts somewhere between thirty to 40 years old in men and is basically a cosmetic disorder, which is topical because most health insurance policies won’t pay for cosmetic care. In girls, the beginning of hereditary alopecia usually doesn’t happen until after menopause.

The incidence of androgentic alopecia is highest in white males but can also be found women, Asians, and african americans. Usually, the thinning hair starts in the frontal area and moves forward back over the head. In general, the expansion transition starts with huge, thick healthy hair, then moves on to thinner, shorter, indeterminate hairs, and finally, short, nonpigmented vellus hairs cover the area sporadically. During this transition, the patient may notice more losing than ordinary. Some losing is natural, as up to ten percent of a person’s hair so susceptible to shedding at any specific time. Lab studies can be done to ascertain whether the hair loss is genetic or due to other sources.

What Can Be Done About It?

Once the reason for thinning hair is determined, a hair replacement center can offer a few reasonable solutions for hair restoration. If the cause isn’t genetic, changes in medication, diet, or hairdo products may take care of the issue without any significant out-of-pocket cost to the patient. In the event the patient is loosing hair due to genetic reasons or the changes discussed above don’t make a regrowth of hair, alternatives are still available.

- Surgery offers two solutions. One is a scalp reduction. Here’s where a portion of the bald scalp is removed, and then the skin is stretch to cover the area of the scalp where the skin was removed. The other option is maybe the most ordinarily considered option. Hair follicles can be transplanted from a donor or from densely haired sections of the head. The primary issue with hair plugs is covering the hairless area with enough plugs to provide sufficient results.

- The last option is hair weaving. Hairpieces are weaved into the patients natural hair to form a prosthetic system of covering the baldness. While the hairpieces of the past were often horrendous screw ups, lots of the modern prosthetics are identical to the patients own hair.

Conclusion for modern hair restoration technologies

Now that you have a general idea what should be expected from a hair replacement center, you can better prepare an inventory of questions for the doctor. You can also go prepared to ask questions about your folks history, medical history, current medicines, diet, and general hair care regime.

While beauty is in the iris of the onlooker, it is also an integral part of self-image. As such, concern over hair loss is a standard reaction and should not be regarded lightly.

Posted in Hair Loss Information

Sunday, 15 August 2010

Provillus for Women

Provillus is the solution to the requests of millions of women around the world. When you think about how devastating it is for a lady to lose her hair, it’s easy to see why so many are claiming that Provillus has literally saved their lives. If you’re a woman suffering alopecia, read this Provillus review to find out how you may have thick, luxurious hair again.

Provillus has been shown to be successful in treating FPB ( Female Pattern hair-loss ) which is the cause of 95% of female hair loss. It contains Minoxidil, the sole ingredient the FDA has ever approved for use for treating alopecia in women.

The reason for Female Pattern balding is thought to be genetic, so if your grandma and mother have thinning hair you may, too. For many younger women this means a loss of self-esteem and a severe drop off in their standard of life.

be assured though that, in most cases, can reverse your hair loss and forestall it from reoccurring. One of the main features that sets it apart from other baldness products for girls is it’s two-pronged approach to hair restoration.

The 1st part of the Provillus programme consists of a topical treatment that contains a two percent mixture of Minoxidil, again, the only drug the FDA has endorsed for use in hair loss treatments because it’s been shown to be effective .

The second part of their approach is a diet supplement that works on the premise that healthy hair for women depends on good nourishment. So the Provillus for ladies diet Supplement contains the following all natural nutrient elements to help in promoting hair growth from the interior out :

Magnesium Magnesium promotes healthy hair growth.
Biotin Biotin promotes unblemished skin, hair, and nails.
Para-Amino Benzoic Acid hinders loss of colouration in hair, inhibits hair from graying, and slows down or prevents hair loss.
Vitamin B6 Supports ordinary hair growth.

i hope you have seen from this review that it is no longer important to hide away in shame and embarrassment. Provillus hair has been proven effective in promoting hair growth for ladies and it will not be long before you’ll have your shiny, opulent hair again.

Posted in Hair Loss Information

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Ways To Prevent Your Receding Hairline

A receding hairline and hair reduction is a problem that may seem unimportant to those people without it although may really be a big deal for those who have it. The reason why some people look for methods to cease hair loss is simply because that numerous, it not exclusively people, think that the hair is their crowning glory. There are lots of methods to avoid baldness and these methods are both organic and by using medicine and drugs.

Natural Methods To Stop Loss of Hair

A natural hair loss treatment is to keep from tying or braiding the hair too tightly. The strain of a really snug bun causes some of the roots to fall out to the pull. Which means that the hairs are basically pulled out of their roots slowly and the roots may ultimately loosen from the scalp. This is among the most typical factors for hair thinning in women as well as men with longer hair. This is basically a hair thinning deterrence technique which can really work. If an individual truly likes to tie up the hair, although still really wants to avoid hair thinning or lower the occurrence of hair loss, utilizing a clamp may apply a lesser amount of pressure and strain in contrast to a plastic band or a small scrunchy.

Another organic way to quit hair loss is to refrain from utilizing dry heat on the hair. Dry heat is likely to cause brittle hair which will crack. Regardless how often an normal individual may use hair items to combat the effects of dry heat; you will have implications of utilizing dry heat on your hair daily. Decreasing the usage of dry heat is a sensible way to quit hair thinning as it lessens the occurrence of brittle hair ends breaking off.

Having the best types of foods is another natural and safe way to end the loss of hair. Our body basically needs the best combination of wholesome foods and drinks to grow. Our hair grows with our body so it is but organic that healthy hair takes place when the individual eats the best amount and the best types of foods. To stop a receding hairline or hair loss with the best diet, an individual should eat the best amount of protein to promote healthy hair . Vitamins E and C also can assist to strengthen hair roots and follicles for much better endurance from strenuous brushing and combing.

Posted in Hair Loss Information

Friday, 13 August 2010

hair loss and stress

Hair loss is very complicated. There are a lot of things that might be possible to cause hair loss and stress is one of them. Stress could give contribution for your hair loss problem, while your hair loss could make you stress. So, these things will only make everything worse, in this case your stress and hair loss. This is much related to each other.
Hair loss caused by stress is very common today. When life gets harder and faster, then every single thing that happened in our life could make us feel so stressful. Not only due to our regular activity, emotionally, stress could be happened after surgery, during sickness or injured. This stress could also lead you into hair loss, but only temporary.
Hair loss due to stress also called Telogen Effluvium. Hair usually stops growing then start to fall in about three months, and only temporary. Anyway, alopecia, one hair loss type due to auto immune disorder, could also be triggered by stress. When the hair loss occurred only on the scalp area, it is called alopecia areata. Hair loss could also occur on your facial area, not only scalp area. It’s called alopecia totalis. And, when the hair loss occurred on all of your body, it’s called alopecia

Thursday, 12 August 2010

poor blood circulation and hair loss

Hair loss could be caused by a poor blood circulation. What is a poor blood circulation? How could that be?  Hair loss could be very complex. It could be triggered by a lot of things, including poor blood circulation. It is very important to keep the quality of the blood circulation especially when they reach the hair root. If your hair and scalp could not get a good nutrient, hair follicle will shrink and the hair cell will die.

Factors affecting hair loss due to poor blood circulation

Hair loss specialist knows that scalp blood circulation affects the hair loss problem. It gives contribution to your hair loss. Poor circulation could be caused by stress. Stress tightens up the muscles and reduces the blood that flows to feed, head, and hands. Thus, it reduces blood on your hair follicles and scalp. Stress also related with the androgenetic hormones that make the hair follicles thinner.

Also, it could be caused by sebum that plugs up your hair follicles. Sebum can be formed in hard crystals. Hair loss due to sebum usually called seborrhea alopecia. To prevent hair loss due to sebum, you could use ACV, apple vinegar, when shampooing your hair.

When you’re neck muscles get tightened, it could prevent blood flow to your scalp. If you got this problem, you might need a neck massages. Thus, it will help you to increase the circulation to your scalp area.

How to prevent hair loss due to poor blood circulation?

If you want to prevent hair loss due to poor blood circulation, please do the following techniques.

Lie in a bed with your head hung.Try to touch the floor with your headCount until 10Started from 1 , and repeat it 6 times , twice a day

Yoga could also help you to reduce the stress, thus it will help you to repair your blood circulation and prevent hair loss. Also, doing the scalp massage will be helpful to get relaxed and repair the blood circulation.

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Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Which Natural Hair Loss Remedy Is The Most Effective?

August 8, 2010 Leave a Comment

Which Natural Hair Loss Remedy Is The Most Effective?

How do you determine which is the best natural hair loss remedy to choose. Well quite frankly it’s not that hard because there’s not very many really effective remedies that are worth trying.

There are plenty of natural options you can try like massage and aromatherapy, a whole variety of vitamins and herbs or maybe even jojoba oil used for centuries by Mexicans for hair loss. There are supplements that might be beneficial, but don’t hold your breath on getting a fairly quick or successful lasting solution with these methods.

Hair loss can be a bit of a tricky issue because there are so many potential causes, however with men the main culprit seems to be DHT. Therefore, you’re going to need substances in any treatment that can be beneficial in reducing DHT.

Women on the other hand often get thinning hair caused by heredity where the 2 enzymes aromatase and 5-a reductase become a problem, also diet deficiencies, scalp fungal infections, stress and medications can contribute to your thinning hair amongst others.

Just in case you don’t already know hair growth cycles through 3 stages usually over a 3 to 5 years time frame. The anagen growth phase happens roughly 85% of the time where hair grows up to half an inch a month or 6 inches a year. The catagen phase follows and lasts up to 2 weeks where the follicle shrinks to roughly one sixth of it length and the papilla breaks away. 

The final process is the telogen resting phase, which can last up to 6 weeks, approximately 13-16% of hairs are in this stage at any one time. Then the growth process starts all over again — a new hair forms in the follicle and pushes the old one out if its still there.

Your hair loss could be just part of this cycle and it might sort itself out in time, but if your losing hair and its definitely not being replaced you should get a medical opinion as to your condition.

However, there is a proven natural hair loss remedy called Provillus that is very effective and has helped thousands of people before, it may be worth your while taking a closer look and evaluating it , Have a look at the video on the website below.

Michael P. Myers has done considerable research on male hair loss issues. If you’re interested to find out more about natural remedies for hair loss, and the substances ordinary people are using every day to successfully stop and reverse hair loss and thinning. Have a look at this site

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Itchy scalp, hair loss and thinning hair

Do you feel itchy on your scalp? Itchy scalp and hair loss are both a serious problem. When you feel frustrated and stress, trying to find a way to solve the problem, your hair is getting thinner and thinner. Don’t wait until it’s too late. You got to find a hair loss specialist and seek for their advice. They will diagnose the problem behind your hair loss and itchy scalp, and give you medication for scalp problem. But, first you have to know potential causes of your itchy scalp and hair loss.

Causes of Itchy Scalp and hair loss

Dry skin around scalp area could cause itchy scalp. This condition could lead into itchy head, because your scalp need to be moisturized and also due to infections.  How could it be happened? Mostly, dry scalp occurred due to hot water and too many shampooing, or too much chemical applied to your scalp and sun exposure.

Contact dermatitis might be another reason for your itchy head. The itchiness comes together with inflammation as an allergic reaction. The reaction could be triggered by new shampoo, soap, or hair product with alcohol contained. When the reaction is getting worse, it could also cause hair loss.

Another possible cause of your hair loss and itchy scalp is seborrheic dermatitis. It’s not only itchy and inflammation, but also scaling. Dandruff is one type of seborrheic dermatitis.

Folliculitis, inflammation in hair follicles, could also cause hair loss and itchy scalp. It is due to the infection by bacteria.

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Hair Loss Remedies That Really Do Work

August 8, 2010 Leave a Comment

Hair Loss Remedies That Really Do Work

There are numerous hair loss remedies on the market and you may be simply overwhelmed on which ones may work for you and your personal needs. Hair loss can seem very devastating to many people and you do not have to live with this condition.

There are many things out there that can help you to stop hair loss and possibly even reverse it.

Surgical procedures is one of the remedies that has gained a lot of attention lately. This involves cutting some of the scalp that has good growing hair and transplanting it to the area that is lacking.

This can provide a long term solution, however it may be at a high cost. This is also a surgical procedure and that involves recovery time and all of the other things that involve surgery. You will be at a higher risk for infection and there are many other things that could go wrong with any surgery.

There are also many herbal and natural treatments to help stop hair loss and thinning. You may have to do a little research to find out about each product before you make a decision. This can be time consuming, but will be worth it in the long run when you look into the mirror.

You may also want to check into supplements to see if you can find supplement that you can take on a daily basis that will stimulate hair growth. You will want to be careful when taking any supplement and be sure to only take it as directed.

You may also want to look at all of the products you are using on your hair. You may be using a brush that is way to hard for your hair that is causing thinning.

Some shampoos also can be very harsh for hair and you may want to look at the ingredients when you are purchasing the products. An all natural shampoo may be less harsh and will also be a great tool for your hair.

You also need to avoid any unnecessary heat on that you place directly on your hair. If you can avoid it heat is one of hairs worst enemies.

There are many hair loss remedies on the market and if you do some homework, you will find the perfect product for you. Handling this problem does not mean you have to go out and spend hundreds of dollars; there are many cost effective treatments on the market.

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Monday, 9 August 2010

What Causes Hair Loss ? What Can I Do?

Image by Wallula Junction

It is normal to lose between 50-100 hairs a day, this is part of the hair renewal process. However most people suffer from excessive hair loss at one time in their life. There are many reasons for this including medication, radiation, chemotherapy, exposure to chemicals, hormonal and nutritional factors, thyroid disease, generalized or local skin disease, and stress.

Many of these causes are temporary and a few are permanent. These are some of the more common reason for hair loss.


Since hormones both stimulate hair growth and cause hair loss, hormonal changes by far have the biggest impact on hair loss. These can affect both men and women in the following ways:

This is the most common cause of thinning and affects both men and women. Men generally have hair loss concentrated in a specific pattern from the front through to the crown. Women tend to have thinning throughout their head without being in any specific pattern. This type of hair loss is caused by the androgen DHT, or Dihydrotestosterone. Since everyone has DHT that is produced by their bodies and only some people suffer from hair loss there has to be another factor involved. This other factor is having follicles that have a greater number of Androgen receptors for the DHT to attach to. This is the component that is inherited through the genes. To date the most effective preventative treatments are anti androgens, drugs that prevent the creation of DHT. In the future gene therapy will one day be able to alter the genes to prevent the follicles from being affected by DHT.


After pregnancy many women experience a loss of hair, this is caused many hair simultaneously entering the resting (telogen) phase. Within two to three months after giving birth, some women will notice large amounts of hair coming out in their brushes and combs. This can last one to six months, but resolves completely in most cases. This condition is caused by the hormonal changes that take place after a woman’s body recovers from her pregnancy.

Birth control pills

Women who have a genetic predisposition to suffer from Androgenic Alopecia can have it occur at a much younger age by taking birth control pills. The hormonal changes that occur trigger the onset of the Androgenic Alopecia. If a woman has a history of female pattern loss in her family she should advise her doctor before going on the pill. After the discontinuation of the pill the woman may notice that her hair begins shedding two or three months later. This may continue for six months when it usually stops. In some cases the process cannot be reversed and the woman may not regrow some of the hair that was lost.


Since the follicle is a very sensitive it does respond to imbalances in the body. Most hair loss causes by disease or illness is temporary and resolves itself after the body has returned to a healthy condition.

High fever, severe infection, severe flu

Sometimes one to three months after a high fever, severe infection or flu, a person may experience hair loss, this is usually temporary and corrects itself.

Thyroid disease.

Both an overactive thyroid and an underactive thyroid can cause hair loss. Thyroid disease can be diagnosed by your physician with laboratory tests. Hair loss associated with thyroid disease can be reversed with proper treatment.

Deficient diet

Some people who go on low protein diets, or have severely abnormal eating habits, may develop protein malnutrition. To help save protein the body shifts growing hair into the resting phase. If this happens massive amounts of hair shedding can occur two to three months later. A sign of this is if the hair can be pulled out by the roots fairly easily. This condition can be reversed and prevented by eating the proper amount of protein. Its very important when dieting to maintain an adequate protein intake.


Some prescription drugs may cause temporary hair shedding in a small percentage of people. Examples of such drugs include some of the medicines used for the following: gout, arthritis, depression, heart problems, high blood pressure, or blood thinner. High doses of vitamin A may also cause hair shedding.

Cancer treatments.

Chemotherapy and radiation treatment will cause hair loss because it stops hair cells from dividing. Hairs become thin and break off as they exit the scalp. This occurs one to three weeks after the treatment. Patients can lose up to 90 percent of their scalp hair. The hair will regrow after treatment ends and patients may want to get wigs before treatment. There are some drugs in development to help prevent this hair loss from occurring.

Low serum iron

Iron deficiency occasionally produces hair loss. Some people don’t have enough iron in their diets or may not fully absorb iron in their diets. Women who have heavy menstrual periods may develop iron deficiency. Low iron can be detected by laboratory tests and can be corrected by taking iron pills.

Major surgery/chronic illness

Anyone who has a major operation – a tremendous shock to the system – may notice increased hair shedding within one to three months afterwards. The condition reverses itself within a few months but people who have a severe chronic illness may shed hair indefinitely. A relatively unknown fact is that hair transplantation surgery can actually cause additional hair loss or “shock fallout”. Hairs lost from shock fallout usually don’t regrow.

Alopecia Areata

This type of hair loss is believed to be caused by the immune system reacting to hair follicles as if they were antibodies and shutting them down. The hair loss is usually limited to a coin sized area and all the hair in the area is lost leaving a totally smooth round patch. In a more severe rarer condition called Alopecia Totalis, all hair on the entire body is lost, including the eyelashes. Treatments include topical medications, a special kind of light treatment, or in some cases drugs.

Fungus Infection (Ringworm) of the scalp

Caused by a fungus infection, ringworm (which has nothing to do with worms) begins with small patches of scaling that can spread and result in broken hair, redness, swelling, and even oozing. This contagious disease is most common in children and oral medication will cure it.


Stress can cause hair loss is some people. Usually it occurs 3 months after the stressful event has occured and it may take 3 months after the stress period has ended for the hair growth to resume. In most cases it is temporary if the person is not predisposed to genetic or Androgenic Alopecia, if they are stress may trigger the onset of genetic hair loss or may worsen existing Androgenic hair loss.


Damage to the hair can be self inflicted either by intentional or unintentional means. Some people going through stress continuously pull at their hair until it comes out. Styling hair by bleaching, braiding and straightening can also cause damage and results in hair being lost.

Trichotillomania or Hair Pulling

Some children and less often adults play with their hair by pulling on it or twisting it. This can be part of a behavioral problem or a bad habit that is often done unconsciously. If the behavior is not stopped permanent hair loss can result from the constant stress on the hair. Its best to seek the help of a mental health professional to solve this problem.

Hair Styling Treatments

Many people change the appearance of their hair by using chemical treatments like dyes, tints, bleaches, straighteners, relaxers and permanent waves. If correctly done and done using reputable products, its rare to have any damage. However, hair can become weak and break if any of these chemicals are used too often. Hair can also break if the solution is left on too long, if two procedures are done on the same day, or if bleach is applied to previously bleached hair. Some chemical relaxers do contain powerful chemicals and there have been instances of people get chemical burns from these products resulting in permanent hair loss. Only go to qualified hair stylists and if doing it yourself make sure you only use reputable products and follow the product directions.

Hair Braids/Weaves

Many black women and some black men braid their hair or wear hair weaves. Under normal conditions these cause no problems. However if the weave is attached too tight or the braids are wrapped too tight, they put a constant strain on the hair follicle. If this is done for an extended period of time permanent hair loss can result. This is known as Traction Alopecia and is fairly common among people who braid or weave their hair. Make sure the person applying the braids or weave is qualified to do so and don’t wear braids or weaves continuously for extended periods of time.

Gary Heron is one of Europe’s leading trichologists for the past 20 years dealing directly with every type of hair loss and scalp disorder for both men and women of all ages and ethnic backgrounds.

Gary has had over twenty years’experience in dealing with every type of hair or scalp problem. For example, he helps people suffering with scalp disorders such as psoriasis, seborrhoeic dermatitis, folliculitis or from hair loss and thinning caused by genetic baldness, alopecia or through chemical or physical

Gary says,” Everybody will experience some degree of trouble with his or her hair or scalp at some time. However, if you are experiencing hair loss or an irritating scalp problem you do not need to just tolerate it. You can take an active step today and seek help from The Hair Centre”.

All treatments products supplied are formulated especially for The Hair Centre by leading trichologists and chemists. They have undergone exhaustive clinical trials and testing to ensure we can target disorders of the hair and scalp effectively.

All ingredients are of the highest standard and meticulously sourced to make sure that these products are the crème de la crème. We are confident we are offering you the very best treatment for hair and scalp problems available today.

to email Gary : gary

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Genetic roots of some hair loss identified

  Alopecia areata affects more than five million Americans June 2010

A common form of hair loss called alopecia areata is linked to eight genes, researchers have found.

Alopecia areata can begin with a sudden whitening of the hair and then loss of patches of hair on the scalp that in some cases may progress to total loss of hair on the scalp or body. Currently, progression of the disorder is unpredictable, but the new findings could help determine which patients will have severe forms, scientists say.

In Thursday's issue of the journal Nature, Angela Christiano, a professor of dermatology at Columbia University Medical Center in New York, and her colleagues report eight genes contribute to the condition.

Alopecia areata was originally thought to be related to psoriasis, but psoriasis treatments failed to help. It is now considered an autoimmune disorder, and many of the genetic regions implicated in the new study are also associated with other autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Type 1 diabetes that have treatments, the report said.

"Finally, we have the possibility of developing drugs that specifically target the mechanism behind the disease,

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Monday, 2 August 2010

Hormones and hair growth

  Hair loss in a causal relationship to thyroid disorders is well documented July 2010

Abstract With respect to the relationship between , the role of androgens for androgenetic alopecia (AGA) and hirsutism is best acknowledged.

Accordingly, therapeutic strategies that intervene in androgen metabolism have been successfully developed for treatment of these conditions.

Clinical observations of hair conditions involving hormones beyond the androgen horizon have determined their role in regulation of hair growth: estrogens, prolactin, thyroid hormone, cortisone, growth hormone (GH), and melatonin.

Primary GH resistance is characterized by thin hair, while acromegaly may cause hypertrichosis. Hyperprolactinemia may cause hair loss and hirsutism.

Partial synchronization of the hair cycle in anagen during late pregnancy points to an estrogen effect, while aromatase inhibitors cause hair loss.

Hair loss in a causal relationship to thyroid disorders is well documented. In contrast to AGA, senescent alopecia affects the hair in a diffuse manner.

The question arises, whether the hypothesis that a causal relationship exists between the age-related reduction of circulating hormones and organ function also applies to hair and the aging of hair.
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Sunday, 1 August 2010

Vitamins Minerals and Hair Loss

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Vitamins and minerals play a vital role in the function of the body, the use of certain vitamins can most certainly play a major part in helping to maintain a healthy head of hair. Introduction

The human body is an amazingly complex and wonderful machine, but it cannot function without a supply of food. The nutrients in food are needed for energy, movement, heat, growth, repair, hair growth and sometimes reproduction. The body needs to be able to digest the foods it takes in so that it can be used in various ways.

There are six basic types of nutrients and two basic non-nutrients found in food. The six nutrients are carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamins, minerals, trace elements; the two non-nutrients are fibre and water. Generally speaking most foods contain several nutrients, in varying amounts. Carrots, for instance, contain a little protein, a trace of fat, some carbohydrate, a good deal of water, a little sugar, fibre, and a selection of vitamins and minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, zinc, vitamins B6, C and E, folic acid, biotin and pantothenic acid, etc. We need a combination of all the above nutrients to maintain a normal and healthy body.


Para-Aminobenzoic Acid

(PABA) as this vitamin is commonly known is one of the lesser known members of the B complex family, has been shown to be an anti-grey hair vitamin. In tests in black animals that were feed with a diet deficient of PABA, they developed grey hair, when the animals were reintroduced to the vitamin, normal hair colour was restored

Research on humans with grey hair being given 200mg of PABA after each meal produced results that showed that a study of the hair afterwards resulted in a seventy per cent result of the hair returning to its original colour. Other research claims that PABA combined with folic acid also helps restore hair to its original colour.

Deficiency of PABA, Biotin, Folic Acid and Pantothenic Acid appears to affect hair colour. Hair colour can normally be restored with a diet rich in the B vitamins and in the few cases where colour is not restored the hair will improve in quality and strength of growth.

PABA and the B vitamins are found in foods such as liver, kidney, whole grain and yeast. The richest source being liver.


Inositol is also a member of the B vitamin group. It is a compound occurring in the brain, muscles, liver, kidney and eyes.

In laboratory animals, a diet lacking Inositol produced baldness, but when the vitamin was added to the food of these animals, the hair grew back again. It was also observed that male animals lost hair twice as fast as female animals. The result of this experiment would suggest that males require a higher Inositol intake than females. An Inositol deficient diet can also cause eczema, a form of skin irritation.

One doctor in a series of experiments prescribed Inositol together with other sources of B vitamins to all his balding patients. In almost all case's hair loss was arrested, in some case's hair growth was noticeable in as little as one month. In one case hair recovery was total and not one bald spot remained.

Inositol, also appears to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood.


Biotin often called vitamin H, is yet another B complex component. Biotin is a proven hair growth vitamin and a preventative to excessive hair loss. It appears to metabolise fatty acids. Fatty acids are a valuable growth factor in numerous processes in the body including the hair. Biotin is also seen as an aid in preventing hair turning grey.

Biotin is found in egg yolks. Raw egg whites actually hinder effectiveness, but when the albumen (egg white) is cooked, the culprit - a substance called avidin is destroyed by heat. Biotin is also present in liver, milk, yeast and kidney.

Balding men might find that a Biotin supplement may keep their hair longer.


In laboratory tests animals fed with a zinc supplement showed signs of more hair growth, as opposed to loss of hair in animals that were deprived of zinc in their feed. It was discovered that there was a change in the hair protein structure when zinc was deficient in the diet.

Severe zinc deficiency in humans has been shown to produce baldness and scalp problems that were reversed when zinc was returned to the diet.

Zinc has also been shown to stop hair turning grey. One doctor taking zinc for a year reversed the grey hairs which returned to their original colour.

Zinc can be depleted by high stress levels. For a good source of zinc, wheat germ is the best, other sources are brewer's yeast, pumpkin seeds, oysters and mussels, shrimps and egg yolks.

One delightful effect of zinc is that it has long been regarded as an aphrodisiac, and as such it can be very beneficial for your sex life, which is not a bad side effect to have.


Protein is a basic ingredient in many hair shampoos and conditioners and is also the major ingredient of hair itself, which is at least ninety per cent protein. Whilst this should not necessarily be the main ingredient in your diet, its importance should not be ignored.

In controlled tests volunteers, supplementing their diets with protein in the form of 14g of gelatine daily, found it increased the thickness of individual hair strands by as much as 45 per cent in only two months.

Diet can influence both hair growth and quality and gelatine has exhibited one of the highest specific dynamic effects of any food or supplement.

Given that a strong hair is a healthy hair, the study noted that the gelatine induced increases in the diet constituted an improvement in the mechanical properties of the hair, including strength. When the volunteers stopped eating the gelatine, their hair returned to its original diameter within six months.

Vitamin E

A Canadian physician who started going grey was able to reverse the process by taking 800iu of vitamin E in capsule form daily. At the age of 68 after some 15 years of taking vitamin E he still has a healthy head of thick black hair, and is the envy of men half his age.

Vitamin E has also been shown to retard the ageing process. It has been suggested that grey hair is a symptom of body degeneration so a supplement of vitamin E can only be beneficial whether you have grey hair or not.

The best natural sources of vitamin E are wheat germ, Soya beans, broccoli, brussel sprouts, spinach and eggs.


Choline is a B vitamin like nutrient that's useful in counter acting the effects of stress. Recently scientists in America were able to induce toxic levels of stress in baby animals by limiting the amount of choline in their diets.

Choline supplements prescribed to balding patients produced significant results to prove choline's worth in hair loss. Lecithin is a very good source of choline, at it also supplies inositol, a B complex vitamin with a particular affinity with choline, these two vitamins work together well.

Foods rich in choline are egg yolks, yeast, liver and wheat germ.

Vitamin A

A deficiency of Vitamin A will cause dry hair and rough skin. Vitamin A is stored in the liver and if large doses (50,000 - 100,000 iu daily) are taken for a prolonged period the liver cannot store the A vitamin, and it can build up in the body to give unpleasant side effects which include nausea, headaches, hair loss, drowsiness and weight loss.

The R.D.A. for vitamin A is 2,500 iu.

Pantothenic Acid

Pantothenic Acid also known as Calcium Pantothenate is considered to be important to the health of the skin and scalp. Pantothenic acid is necessary for the well being of every body cell and neither carbohydrate nor fat can be changed into energy without it.

This nutrient is also important for the functioning of the adrenal glands that produce much of the male sex hormones.

Volunteers who were feed on a diet deficient of pantothenic acid showed increased vulnerability to infection and adrenal levels dropped, blood pressure also dropped and constipation developed.

Animals lacking this nutrient in their diet became grey haired and the follicles started to waste away.

This supplement is most often found in B complex formulas.

This nutrient is obtained from liver, kidney, egg yolks, whole grains, milk and potatoes.

Cider Vinegar

Hair loss can sometimes be a result of poor metabolism. Many case histories show that as a result of a few teaspoonfuls of cider vinegar each day for several months, hair loss has stopped and the remaining hair has grown healthier and thicker. One reason for thinning hair is a deficiency of minerals salts, so it is easy to understand why mineral-rich cider vinegar can help.

Cider vinegar will not work the same way for everyone. A few people may be allergic to it and others may not be affected at all. But for many people, cider vinegar opens up a wonderful new chapter in life.

Cider vinegar may be taken in a glass of water first thing in the morning or just before meals. One of the side effects can be weight loss which is an added bonus.

Seven Wonders "Hair Food" Cocktail

The following drink contains Protein, Choline, Inositol, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, Vitamin E and Zinc: The seven ingredients' nutritionists most often recommend for growing healthy hair.

8 Fl oz Plain Yoghurt
8 Fl oz Orange Juice
3 Tablespoons Wheat Germ
3 Tablespoons Brewers Yeast
1 Tablespoon Lecithin Crystals
1 Teaspoon Vitamin C Crystals
1 Raw Egg Yolk
1 Tablespoon Unflavored Gelatine Powder
Honey to Taste (optional)

Combine all the ingredients and blend until smooth. If a blender is not available put all the ingredients into a jar with a lid and shake vigorously.

This tonic makes a quick and nutritious breakfast and will work wonders for your hair.

This cocktail should help just about everyone, and you will certainly notice a difference to your hair once you try it.

Another recommended regime for hair loss which has proved to be very effective is a supplement of the Amino Acids, Zinc and Vitamin C. This supplement is particularly good for people who go on crash diets and find a problem with hair loss, or problems which are less obvious such as women who are losing hair as a result of birth control pills and subsequent vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Hair loss supplement

A daily vitamin and mineral supplement

B Complex
Pantothenic Acid
Folic Acid
Vitamin A

A daily supplement of the above will help produce healthy hair and helps restore grey hair to its original colour.

0ne multi- vitamin formula 1000mg and 500mg magnesium taken daily can have a great effect on hair growth - There is no guarantee but many people have reported a definite reduction of hair loss with this regime.

Another combination that has produced excellent results with some people is a daily supplement of choline and inositol, 1000mg of each daily.

The Amino Acid L Tyrosine is also recommended for helping hair regain its natural colour.

While there are a number of supplements which can be beneficial, it is important for the diet to improve and take precedence over supplements alone. That said there are enormous benefits to be derived from using vitamins, many food products today have been treated with chemicals during the growing process.

When anyone is embarking on a course of vitamins or minerals they should be aware that results will not happen overnight. Vitamins are not some magic potion that is suddenly going to cure hair loss overnight. They may not do anything for some people but for others they will achieve excellent results with noticeable differences in hair growth and in the slowing down of hair loss.

Results will usually take from about three to four months before the body actually reacts to the effects brought about by the vitamins.

Vitamins should always be taken as directed on the bottle and not more than the stated dosage. An extra helping of a vitamin does not make it work twice as much, besides which it can be dangerous overdosing on certain vitamins. When taking vitamins you may find that you have to take them after a meal otherwise they may cause a stomach upset.

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